Human Toilet Clips - Sexy girls use their human toilets - Page 28

Mistress Milana did not want her slave to do anything wrong while she was gone so she punished him in anticipation. She cruelly did so because she felt if he did not change, she would come back and find he had done some crazy shit. So she made him eat shit to prevent him from doing crazy shit to and in her house. It worked and he did not do anything crazy.

Lady Bianc has a thing for shit and she wanted hers eaten today. She cruelly got this slave to do it for her. She had him eat her poo and lick her asshole clean. She used him as not only her human toilet but also as her human toilet paper. And she told him that she was only getting started. The poor guy did not have an alternative but to eat the poo.

Mistress Gaia had never been as pissed as she was with her slave today. She did what she had never done to him and that was to cage him. She let him get cramped in there for hours and when he came out, she made him eat her shit and drink her pee. He learned his lesson and never messed with her again for fear of what she could do.

Mistress Anna did not like her slave's attitude so she cruelly took a piss on him. She felt it was not enough punishment for him so she took a shit on him too. She felt that one would do the trick and it did. She degraded him and she made him change his attitude after she had promised to turn him into her human toilet and make it a daily thing.

Mistress Milana is not a forgiving person as this guy came to find out. She was pissed by this loser today but she did not even entertain the thought of forgiving him. She punished him cruelly by shitting on him. She did it in order for her to get even with him and it was something he had not expected to happen to him ever. He, however, had no alternative.

Lady Bianc had eaten food which gave her diarrhea. She had a stomach upset as a result of that food. And it was her slave who had cooked that food. So he was responsible for her stomach upset. She chose to teach him a lesson by making him share in her misery. She got him to eat her diarrhea and swallow it and it served as a lesson to him.

Mistress Riley did not have food for her slave. He was hungry but instead of going to make himself some food, he wanted her to do it. He was new and she knew this was a teachable moment and she used it to teach him a lesson she knew he would not forget in a hurry. She made him eat her shit and warned him that if he felt like eating, he had to cook for himself.

Mistress Gaia took this loser to her torture chambers and she cruelly tortured him there. She wanted to turn him into her human toilet and she did. She knew from the way she had tied him up, there was nothing much he was going to do about it. So she took her time and she took a shit and a piss at him and watched as he struggled to eat and drink them.

Mistress Christina knew her shit was the weapon she had against this guy. She did not want to use words to punish him. She used her shit to do it and it served the purpose she wanted it to serve. She took a shit on a potty and she fed it to him. He had to eat it as slowly as she wanted him to do it. He had to take the time to tell her what he thought the ingredients were.

Lady Biac was conned of her hard-earned cash and she was so furious that when she got home, she took out her anger on her slave. She took a shit on her slave and she forgot that it was not her slave who had conned her. But that did not mean she had forgotten about her money as she promised herself she would look for the guy and deal with him.

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